Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge over Highway 101
Santa Rosa, California
Since 2007, SGA has provided professional services for the Santa Rosa Highway 101 Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge Project. The project envisions a Class I pedestrian and bicycle grade-separated crossing over US 101 between the Steele Lane and College Avenue interchanges. As Prime Consultant, SGA completed the project’s Feasibility Study in 2010 and the PSR-PDS phase in 2016 under full Caltrans Project Development procedures. Following extensive outreach and coordination with community members, city staff, advocacy groups, property owners, and public agencies, SGA designed several alternative overcrossing alignments to solve a variety of challenging geometric constraints including clearance requirements, historical tree locations, and visual access considerations.
In the project’s PA&ED phase, SGA assessed two alternative alignments that land on the property of the Santa Rosa Junior College. Additionally, SGA developed the cable-stayed bridge design that serves as a landmark, complement views of the nearby hills, preserve the expansiveness of this section of roadway, and provide bridge users with a wider travel space though the use of angled fencing. During the design process, SGA was involved in close coordination between the City, Caltrans, Santa Rosa Junior College, and adjacent businesses. In 2020, SGA assisted the City by managing, writing, and submitting both statewide and regional grant applications for funding through the Cycle 5 Active Transportation Program, and was awarded $12 Million by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission.
The project's detailed design phase is currently underway and expected to be completed in Summer 2023.
For more information, visit:
Status: Ongoing
Scope of Work: Feasibility Study, Preliminary Design, Public Engagement, PSR-PDS, PA&ED, Grant Writing, PS&E
Client: City of Santa Rosa
Agencies Involved: Caltrans, SMART
Prime Consultants: SGA (Feasibility and PID Phases); BKF Engineers (PA&ED and PS&E Phases)